Parish Leader Check In

Monday Message, October 30, 2023

KNOW We have a Parish Leader Check In on Tuesday. No need to dress up for Halloween. Just log in and pray with us, share some good news with us,… Read More

Monday Message, September 18, 2023

KNOW Today is National Cheeseburger Day. I thought you should know that. We had a great meeting with Bishop Caggiano on Saturday morning. The draft of the transcript of the… Read More

Monday Message, June 12, 2023

KNOW This will be the last Monday Message until either mid-August or early September, unless something comes up that we think you should know. Tomorrow is our final parish leader… Read More

Monday Message, May 29, 2003

KNOW Enjoy your day off today. Unplug. Spend time with family. Grill something. Pray for those who have served our country. Parish Leader Check In Tomorrow. Find the link here.… Read More

Monday Message, May 15, 2023

KNOW We have a parish leader check in tomorrow. You will be led by Carmela, who will review some changes in LEAD and tell you about a few other dates… Read More

Monday Message, April 17, 2023

KNOW Greetings from Washington, DC, where allergy season is in full swing and new directors of faith formation, youth, and young adult ministry are gathered near the JPII Shrine for… Read More

Monday Message, April 3, 2023

KNOW Holy Week Parish Leader Check In tomorrow at 11 am. You can find sign on information and link here. Today is Reconciliation Monday. A total of 25 parishes located throughout the… Read More

Monday Message, March 20, 2023

KNOW Lots of great things happening as spring arrives. We have a parish leader check in tomorrow. The link to join is here. We will discuss the books/texts you use… Read More

Monday Message, March 6, 2023

KNOW We have a parish leader check-in tomorrow. See the link here. All those who attend the Bishop’s presentations will receive credit in LEAD. Please give us some time to… Read More

Monday Message, February 20, 2023

KNOW We have a parish leader check in tomorrow. Details can be found here. The Rite of Election is next Sunday. If your parish has not yet responded, please find… Read More