Monday Message, April 17, 2023
Greetings from Washington, DC, where allergy season is in full swing and new directors of faith formation, youth, and young adult ministry are gathered near the JPII Shrine for a week of retreat and formation. The organizers thought I might have some wisdom to share, so I am down for a few days to share both things I know about leading a diocesan office.
Tomorrow, Deacon John will lead the parish leader check in. You can find the link here. Part of the discussion will be whether anyone is interested in regional confirmation retreats in the fall and a potential gathering as we wrap up this year.
Need help with LEAD? Join Carmela every Wednesday at 2 pm. Also, please check your parish team and get those spots filled this week if you can. Also, update your catechists if they are not already updated.
The last meeting with the bishop for this spring is April 22nd at All Saints School. Register through LEAD. After that date, we will provide a list of all those who did not attend so you can host a watch-party at your parish, followed by a discussion. Please do not advertise this until after the event on the 22nd. In-person is best. Still, we know life gets in the way sometimes.
Where are my stones?
What are their names?
Would I know them if I met them face to face?
And if the empty tomb I stood in front of was me would I call it death?
Or would I call it resurrection?
My heart beats out the answer much clearer than I live it.
O, happy emptiness! It’s what I need a lot of to be full.
Rolling stones is what it’s all about but Resurrection is another name.
Be patient with each other’s stones (Ephesians 4:1-3).
Jesus was gentle with Thomas’ stone (John 20:24-29).
Peter had to roll away some stones in his life too (John 13:6-11).
The call continues.
We are called to help others experience Resurrection, to help them break out of their tombs.
Of course, that means we’ll have to break forth from our own tombs first.
We’d look kind of silly preaching from the inside of our tombs, wouldn’t we?