Monday Message, May 8, 2023
As communicated on Friday, the faith formation community lost a giant with the passing of Joan Kelly – a pioneer in faith formation, theological presentations, retreats, and more. Arrangements will be on the diocesan home page once they are finalized.
Updates in LEAD that are now live include:
- Ability for local leader to see who at their parish is attending an in-person event
- Multi-language support (go to profile and select language)
- Updates to information that shows when you download your team members
- Group managers approving assignments for their group (EMHC leaders get EMHC assignments, etc.)
- Secure assignments so we can upload passport information (foreign priests) and SSN (background checks for mentors)
Need help with LEAD? Join Carmela every Wednesday at 2 pm. Spreadsheets went out to priests on Thursday and to you on Friday. Before you throw up your hands in exasperation, please read the key to the spreadsheet. It will save you time.
Save the date for a meeting with Bishop Caggiano and Parish Catechetical Leaders on Saturday, September 16th from 9 am to 2 pm.
Ministry Day is September 30, 2023. If you have requests for workshops or special tracks, send us an email.
Have you checked out this new web app, created by our partners in LEAD? It combines artificial intelligence and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. See it here – and read about it here.
In the past few weeks, a couple of parishes have realized that the resources they “have always used” might be out of touch with today’s reality of loneliness, anxiety, sexual awareness, and sensitivity of parents.
Bishop Caggiano has agreed that the following Examinations of Conscience are the only ones to be used for the immediate future. There are two – primary grades and middle school (in English and Spanish), compliments of RCL-Benziger. For high school students, you can continue to use what you have but you are encouraged to review your resources to make sure you are not raising issues that might trigger young people or cause consternation among the parents.
- Examination of Conscience for Middle School Students – Spanish
- Examination of Conscience for Middle School Students – English
- Examination of Conscience for Primary Students – Spanish
- Examination of Conscience for Primary Students – English