Monday Message, May 1, 2023
Parish Leader Check In is tomorrow. We will spend some time going over the calendar for next year, but the bulk of our time together will be learning about the personal consecration to Our Lady that all students will be asked to participate in (schools and parishes) in January 2024. Blythe Kaufman of the Children’s Rosary will join us for our conversation. Link for the check in is here.
Nick Troilo is a graduate student (and good friend) at Fordham University. He will complete his course requirement in spiritual direction this semester. For his practicum, Nick needs to offer spiritual direction to two individuals. If you are interested or know of someone who might benefit from Nick’s experience and recent education, please email him directly.
Bishop Caggiano was sent the article, The Surprising Surge of Faith Among Young People, which appeared recently in the Wall Street Journal. It’s about the rise in spirituality among young adults and worth the five minutes it will take you to read.
I never suspected
and for it to be so painful
to leave me weeping
With joy
to have met you,
alive and smiling,
outside an empty tomb
With regret
not because I’ve lost you,
but because I’ve lost you in how I had you
in understandable, touchable, kissable, clingable flesh
not as fully Lord, but as graspably human.
I want to cling, despite your protest
cling to your body
cling to your, and my
clingable humanity
cling to what we had, our past.
But I know that …if I cling
you cannot ascend and
I will be left clinging to your former self..
unable to receive your present spirit.
~Ron Rolheiser