Monday, May 10, 2021

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We have a parish leader check in tomorrow. You can find the link here. We will be discussing:

  • Fall 2021
  • Confirmation Directives (posted here)
  • Stickers!

For that last item, we will be joined briefly by David Plaue, creator of the Saint Sticker Book, who would like you to be aware of his book for your ministry. I understand his ideas tend to get stuck in children’s heads more than others (couldn’t resist).

The Universal Prayers for Confirmation have also been posted.

Be sure to check the document library for more information and important posts.

As I mentioned, tomorrow we will be discussing your parish’s plans for fall 2021. A document will be sent within the next week outlining some suggestions. We will not offer direct models or specific guidelines, especially in light of the Catechetical Summit on August 28, 2021. Please mark that date on your calendar.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Please keep an eye out for resources to share.

We have developed a partnership with the Archdiocese of Hartford Catholic Biblical School. Please spread the word and route folks to this page.

We are also putting together an RCIA Collaborative – let us know if you are interested in joining.

If you have teenagers interested in this year’s SHU Journey, the deadline is fast approaching.

The deadline for Catechist Formation is about to be upon us. Please make sure you have invited all your catechists to sign up.


One of the shows I love that lasted only a few seasons is The Newsroom. In the series finale, the wife of the lead character has just been named his boss and, trying to console her and support her, he offers this advice:

“There’s a hole in the side of the boat. That hole is never going to be fixed and it’s never going away and you can’t get a new boat, this is your boat. What you have to do is bail water out faster than it’s coming in.”

That’s how ministry can feel, isn’t it?

Sometimes, however, it’s good to evaluate how effective we are at bailing water. If we work smarter, we may not have to work harder. If we focus on what matters most, let go of failed attempts, and reflect on how we are doing, it can not only seem less overwhelming, it can help us concentrate on what is important.

If we were really smart, I suppose we’d invite others into the boat and share the burden and the blessings of the job.