Monday Message, May 17, 2021

Canon 895
“The names of those confirmed with mention made of the minister, the parents and sponsors, and the place and date of the conferral of confirmation are to be recorded in the confirmation register of the diocesan curia or, where the conference of bishops or the diocesan bishop has prescribed it, in a register kept in the parish archive. The pastor must inform the pastor of the place of baptism about the conferral of confirmation so that a notation is made in the baptismal register according to the norm of can. 535, §2.”
For those parishes who have not been following Canon 895, you are required to take some time this summer to get this done. ParishSoft has some very helpful tools that can assist you in completing this task. Please email if you have any questions or would like assistance.
If you need some ParishSoft tips:
Step 1. Go to Sacraments- Record the Parish of Baptism (If the Baptism is not already entered), record the new sacrament – Communion or Confirmation in Sacraments with the volume numbers.
Step 2. Run the report for either Communion or Confirmation. The report is cut in half and mailed to the parish of baptism.
If you would rather do a mail merge and mail a letter, please let me know.
Directory for Catechesis
Wedding Jubilee
Since some folks in your parish may be asking about it, please let your bulletin editors know that September 25th is the date for the wedding jubilee Mass with Bishop Caggiano. There will be two celebrations to make up for the lost year – one at 10:30 am and one at 1 pm. More details to follow.
Upcoming Events
There are some great webinars coming up in the next few weeks – plus a chance for all of us to get together. See the events page for more information.
“For leadership there is only one road: service. There is no other way. If you have many qualities , the ability to communicate, etc. , but you are not a servant, your leadership will fail, it is useless, it has not power to gather [people] together… Leadership must enter into service, but with a personal love for the people.”
Pope Francis, Address, 12th May 2014