Monday Message, May 3, 2021
Happy May.
Pope Francis has asked the faithful to pray the Rosary every day in May for an end to the pandemic. We have you covered here in terms of prayers, links to the livestream, and great resources.
Last week’s parish check in was an exciting, honest, and passionate conversation. You can see it here.
Springtide Research Institute has some great new information about the inner and outer lives of Gen Z. Josh Packard will be joining us in May for a conversation. Stay tuned.
If you have young people who have special needs and are in need of sacramental formation, Helen Burland from St. Catherine Center for Special Needs has some formation kits for your use. Be aware that November 7th is the date for conferring of sacraments at St. Catherine Center, so check in with Helen if you need anything.
This Update for April 2021 went out to pastors last week in case you have not seen it.
There is a story about Picasso that goes something like this.