Monday Messenger, August 22, 2022
August 27 – Fall Kickoff with Bishop Caggiano
9:30 am – Our Lady of Assumption in Fairfield. The agenda includes morning prayer and discussion with the bishop, followed by hands-on formation in LEAD. Lunch provided. Please RSVP to Pastors are welcome, but not required.
September 20 – Catechetical Summit II
Bishop Caggiano will meet with pastors and faith formation leaders to discuss his vision for renewal of catechetical programs, youth ministry, sacramental norms, etc. – 11 am at Holy Spirit in Stamford. Lunch provided. Please RSVP to Every pastor and all faith formation leaders should make every effort to attend.
Tomorrow is our first Parish Leader Check In. Remember this year, it’s only a half hour every other week – just to check in and see how folks are doing. Every quarter, there will be a face-to-face gathering locally of catechetical leaders. If you would like to host, please let Carmela know.
New parish catechetical leaders should plan to join Deacon John DiTaranto for the onboarding process we have created. Six months. Six great speakers. Everything you need to know to be successful. Register for the first session with Joe Paprocki here.
LEAD formation is coming – beginning with our time together on Saturday, August 27th. You will love the improvements we have made.
After two years and five months of avoiding it, Covid has come to visit. Child no one has it. I have it. The others are negative for now. Full blown symptoms with a combination of loneliness of isolation and praying for the sweet relief of death finally gave way to a few hours this morning of getting something done.
Be well.