Catechist Formation Flyer
This is a flyer promoting catechist formation in LEAD, including how to sign up. Please distribute this flyer to your catechists.
Additional Info:
As you might remember, Bishop Caggiano announced in 2019 that all catechists, Catholic school teachers, readers, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are required to engage in lifelong learning, so all are prepared to share the Gospel message effectively.
To that end, The Leadership Institute launched face-to-face and online formation back in spring 2019 for liturgical ministers and in fall 2019/spring 2020 for catechists and Catholic school teachers.
More than 4,000 liturgical ministers completed their initial formation, and more than 2,000 catechists began formation before Covid-19 hijacked our plans.
Last summer, catechists received invitations to enter online formation regardless of whether they had been able to attend a face-to-face session (a pre-requisite to online formation at the time). Some catechists got the invitation and began. For others, their junk file received it, and for others, it just got lost.
We are now circling back to all catechists, asking that they complete the initial phase of formation in LEAD, the diocesan online learning platform, by May 30, 2021. Face-to-face formation is suspended. The entire process is outlined at