Monday Message, September 9, 2024

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This Saturday, we gather for our Fall Forum. Our agenda is packed, the food is ordered, and we await your arrival for what I pray will be a fruitful discussion about so many issues. Last year, the Bishop challenged us to rebuild the airport while keeping the planes in the air. This year, we give you the tools to make that happen. If you have not signed up because you’ve been waiting for something more exciting to come along, please register here.

Tomorrow is our first Parish Leader Check In for the ministerial year. It will mark our 82nd gathering via Zoom and you can find the link to our half-hour meet up here.

There is a workshop for any parish interested in Life Teen. Spoiler alert: it’s the first step to having the diocese pay for your core team formation. Details are here.

To recap news you might have missed:

  • Please spread the word and remind all high school students that Bishop Caggiano is inviting them to a special event on September 21st at St. Matthew parish. All details are here.
  • You will notice in LEAD that you have been assigned Understanding the Directory, Part Three. Enjoy.
  • Please do NOT ask catechists to complete initial formation until we review the new formation procedures at the Fall Forum.
  • All pastors received a memo last week. Your copy is here. It includes important information about Confirmation, sponsors, and more. We will discuss this in detail at our September 14th Fall Forum. Register here. By the way, Advent posters will be available at the Fall Forum. Please email Carmela your order before September 10, 2024. One side English. One side Spanish.
  • This memo also went out last week, inviting all parish leaders (except catechists who will have their own meeting) to gather with Bishop Caggiano on October 19th. Please see those details here.
  • If your parish administrative assistants have not yet signed up for a day of prayer and laughter on September 27th, perhaps you could share this memo with your pastors.
  • Catechetical Sunday will be celebrated on Sunday, September 15, 2024. The USCCB Secretariat for Evangelization and Catechesis has developed resources that can be used in local communities for this annual celebration. See details here.


The Gospel reading on Thursday this week is all about not judging. Easier said than done, I know. But it’s worth remembering when parents call us and tell us the schedule we designed is in direct conflict with Johnny’s sports commitment. Avoiding being judgmental is helpful when your catechist bails on you just before your first meeting. And counting to ten is probably a good idea when a neighboring parish decides to close their doors and send all the families that do not fit your way.

Yes, this reading is a tricky one. It’s even tougher than that “love your enemies” tidbit.

Perhaps it helps to start by asking about motivation. What motivated the catechist to bail and could we help navigate that instead of getting angry? Could the catechist suggest anyone else to assist? Why are sports important to Johnny and his parents? How can they help Johnny manage the commitment to sports and a desire to grow in faith?

More importantly, what’s our motivation? If our motivation is to get kids to comply with our schedules, to get parents to fill out our forms, and to get catechists to commit to fill our needs, judging is easy. It may actually be our default position.

But if our motivation is the salvation of souls, or passing on the faith, or helping parents be the best first witnesses they can become…well, that’s a different tune altogether. With motivation like that, our default position is one of flexibility and generosity of spirit. People with that kind of motivation are quick to ask, “How can we help?” or “Let’s see if we can solve this.”

And yes, it’s possible to be flexible without being a pushover. It’s possible to have a generosity of spirit without thinking, “now everyone will want the same thing…”

Where you begin is everything.