Monday Message, September 5, 2023
Yes, it’s Tuesday, but we will all go through the week a day behind, so let’s call this the short-week edition.
Registrations continue to come in for our meeting with Bishop Caggiano on September 16th at the Catholic Center. All ministry leaders who work with young people should attend. Pastors are not on the invite list, but are welcome to come. They will hear what the bishop has to say at one of their presbyterate meetings. Register here.
Ministry Day registration is now open. Please spread the word. Speakers list is here and workshop listing is here.
In case you missed it, please see this important memo from the Bishop’s office for Confirmation 2024 – Do not miss the deadline!
Invitations went out last week from LEAD to all Trustees, Parish Finance Council members, as well as Parish Council members. The Bishop is inviting them to a meeting to follow up on the presentations for The One, held in the spring. Registration is through LEAD. This is not a mandatory session, just an invitation from the Bishop to invite these people to be involved in what happens next. If you serve on one of these committees and didn’t get an invite, let us know.
Speaking of The One, all deanery meetings are open in LEAD for you to sign up. You will only see the one in your deanery as attendance at your local meeting is your only option.
Today, we welcome two new members of our diocesan family. They are working for the Seton Collaborative in new positions. Ann Haring is the regional middle school coordinator in Norwalk and Colin Petramale is the new director of discipleship in Stratford. Both are exciting new positions, funded by the Seton Collaborative and, I am sure, will prove to be models of ministry around the diocese in the years to come.
Trinita Retreat Center in New Hartford, CT wanted us to let you know that they have some great retreat options for you this fall, including Confirmation retreats, high school leadership, group service, middle school and high school ropes challenge and more. Check out their website for more information.
The Respect Life Ministry is hosting a Feminine Genius Brunch on Saturday, Oct. 7th from 9:30am-12:30pm at the Italian Center in Stamford. See this flyer for more information.
This morning, I invite you to prayerfully consider applying for the following opportunity in your parish. Invitations will go to pastors today, but in the meantime, check out the website and the following information:
Applications for the Accompaniment Project will be accepted from September 5 through September 22, 2023.
The Accompaniment Project is a grant-funded initiative of the NFCYM that will guide parishes through reimagining how to accompany young people in encountering Christ and growing in discipleship. All Catholic parishes in the United States are invited to apply. Since the project relies heavily on learning in diocesan cohorts which gather in person, the likelihood of being selected increases if eight or more parishes from one diocese apply for the project.
The Accompaniment Project will:
- Identify and work with a cohort of forty diverse parishes across at least five dioceses to develop, test, and evaluate new, experimental approaches to ministry with youth.
- Gather the participating parishes regularly for mutual learning as they design and test innovative ministries with youth.
- Share insights and discoveries with other parishes and ministry organizations about new effective ministry practices and strategies for engaging youth.
Selected parishes will be announced in late November and the project will be launched in dioceses and parishes in March 2024.