Monday Message, September 23, 2024
Two big events this week – the workshop for those interested in learning about Life Teen and the Day of Prayer and Laughter for parish administrative staff.
Plus, we have our 83rd Parish Leader Check In tomorrow and the Bishop’s Lecture Series on Thursday. So I guess it’s four big things this week.
The workshop for Life Teen is for all those in youth ministry who want to investigate how Life Teen’s resources can be used in the parish to move your ministry to the next level. If you subscribe to Life Teen resources, you really should come to the meeting, if only to make sure what you receive is used as it was intended. There will be a Zoom meeting in January to follow up and then formation for your core team in the spring – but participation in this week’s workshop is the first step.
At a recent priest’s meeting, Bishop Caggiano requested that all parish offices be closed this Friday so all administrative staff could attend the day of reflection (aka prayer and laughter) with Chris Padgett. Please make sure your folks are registered by emailing Carmela.
Finally, if you missed the Fall Forum, please email Sue and let her know so we can follow up with you. There is too much going on for you to be in the dark.
P.S. If you miss a Monday Message, you can see all of them here. Be sure to check out the information about the Fall Forum, Confirmation parents meetings, Catechist Meetings, and more.
More than 140 teens joined Bishop Caggiano on Saturday night for the Follow Me Home event at St. Matthew parish. Together we attended Mass, prayed the Rosary, took advantage of the presence of so many priests available for Reconciliation, adored our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, and took some time to serve others. Many, many thanks to Chris at St. Aloysius and her band of merry volunteers too numerous to name. But hats off to Katrina, our youth ministry host, Rodd, our emcee, Steve who organized transportation, and Liz and Carmel for their help with registration and not laughing at me when I dropped all the name tags. Thanks too for the wonderful presence of our priests and bishop, and deep appreciation to Sue, Josephina, Cecilia, Connor, Rose, Martha, Michael, Roxana, Jorge, Scott, Frank, Jen, Francesca, Jared, Pam, Tiffany, Carlotta, the other Jared, Michele, Ann, Jack, another Michael, John, Albert, Dick, Anna, Kim, Lap, Christopher, John, Katrina, Colin, Loren, Mark, George, Erica, Segundo, Mildred, Carmen, Joya, and Janet. The Knights of Columbus from St. Matthew and St. Aloysius kept us well fed and we are most grateful for your wonderful service.
Saturday was an example of what happens when collaboration is rooted in the Gospel and ministry to young people is everyone’s goal.
Thank you again to all those who made it possible.