Monday Message, September 16, 2024
We had a wonderful gathering on Saturday at our Fall Forum. If you missed it, please email Sue Baldwin to make an appointment for one of the Institute team members to bring you the materials and your gifts. All documentation that was handed out can be found here, but out of context, it might not make any sense. We would love to come see those who were unable to make it. Email Sue today.
This Saturday, Bishop Caggiano invites high school students to a special gathering that includes Mass, Adoration, Reconciliation, a service project, and time to discuss what’s on their mind with their bishop. Please encourage any high school student you know to attend. All details are here.
The first Lunch and Learn is this week here at the Catholic Center. Carmela Williams is your hostess and will guide you through some of the great new features in LEAD. Email Carmela if you plan to attend.
If you have not signed up for the Life Teen information workshop, please do so – and spread the word to your pastor, youth ministry leaders, and others who might benefit.
Deanery meetings with Catechists begin this week. We will give the count of total catechists to the hosts based on information in LEAD. Please update your catechists lists today. We expect YOU to invite your catechists and will send a letter from the Bishop’s office this afternoon. Or you could simply use this memo to catechists as an invitation from yourself.
This morning we read in Luke 7:1-10 the story of the Roman centurion who seeks healing for his servant. The centurion, though a man of authority, acknowledges his unworthiness to have Jesus come under his roof. Instead, he expresses deep faith, believing that Jesus can heal simply by speaking the word. Jesus is amazed by the centurion’s faith, noting that He has not seen such faith even in Israel. The servant is then healed.
The centurion, a Gentile and Roman official, demonstrates humility by acknowledging his own limitations and reverence toward Jesus. His faith is remarkable because he recognizes Jesus’ divine authority over illness and distance. In response, Jesus commends this outsider for having greater faith than many in Israel.
How will we show humility today? How can we trust in the power of God to do the unimaginable, to heal the world around us when all seems lost?
Lord Jesus, heal us this day.