Monday Message, June 7, 2021
Tomorrow is our last Parish Check-in for the summer. We will pick up again in August. The link for tomorrow’s meeting is here.
If you haven’t already, please download calendar of events for 21-22.
On June 22, 2021 from 5 to 8 pm, we will gather in person for our 2020-2021 Wine Down. Set your watch and your GPS and join us at the Donovan home at 301 Old Oaks Road in Fairfield, CT. Please rsvp via email to let us know if you will be attending.
This week, don’t miss the webinar with Josh Packard. Eight Ways to Care for Gen Z in a Post-Pandemic World is tomorrow at 3 pm. Registration required.
If your parish is still interested in Nexus, please email us soon so we can make sure we identify enough money for those parishes that might want to join but cannot afford to do so.
Please encourage your families to volunteer to lead the Sunday Family Rosary sometime this summer. Everything you need to know is here.
Can you recite the first words of the Declaration of Independence? I’ll give you a hint: “When in the Course of human events….”
What about the Constitution? “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union…”
Okay. Great.
Now what about the Beatitudes?
We hear them in this mornings Gospel. We sing about them at Mass. But do you know them?
The Beatitudes as a group is the constitution of our faith. It captures what we are as Christians.
It might be fun this week to grab a piece of paper and see how many we remember.
Cover Image by Volker Glätsch from Pixabay