The following Confirmation documents were sent last week to pastors. I have included them here in case you have not received them.
Confirmation Planning Sheet. Fall 2021
Directives for Confirmations.2021-22
Confirmation Request Spring 2022
Speaking of Confirmation, I received this note from the Bishop, who asked that I pass it along – I wanted to let you know about an exciting opportunity for the young people of your parish. Hard as Nails Ministries will be in the Archdiocese of Hartford on October 4, 2021. Since they are in the area, they have offered to host similar retreats anytime from October 5-10th for one parish or a group of parishes that wish to collaborate. Each retreat is $1000 and can be catered to the specific needs of your community. As the Episcopal Advisory of Hard as Nails Ministry, I have seen firsthand how their zeal for the faith transforms the lives of young people. They have a genuine understanding of what it means to be a missionary disciple is contagious. I invite you to consider reaching out to Austin Gomez (888-498-2255) if you would like to know more information. As always, thank you for all you do for our young people and their families. +Bishop Frank Caggiano
Thanks to all who participated in our Catechetical Summit last week. We will share more information in the coming weeks, but I hope you will agree that it was a wonderful time together.
If you have not yet reviewed Evangelus and their offer for a free communication tool for 10 parishes, please do so today. Email me if you wish to be included.
Personal notifications go out to all pastors this week regarding who gets the parish reports. If your parish report says, “null” now is your chance to fix it. See who gets parish reports for more information. Email me if you wish to make a change.
Please make sure you pass along the invitation to the day of prayer and thanksgiving for our parish staff.
Please remind your pastor that if they wish to meet with me to discuss any pressing items, Clergy Check Ins are just what they need.
Master and Teacher,
Bless our Zoom-time together.
Bless our Google classrooms.
Bless our remote learners and those who struggle to sign in.
Bless our Internet providers and IT personnel and parents who balance working from home and a home filled with work.
Bless those children who struggle to keep the mask on, trying so hard to stay even three feet apart from friends they have missed so much.
Bless our teachers who have worked so hard for so long, those who yearn to embrace their students and those who will face the challenge of keeping their charges safe and healthy.
Bless our school nurses, who guide those who are not well away from others, trying to discern the difference between a common cold and a deadly virus.
Bless our little ones entering school for the first time in this reality that changes every day. Give them the wisdom to comprehend the need to stay angel wings apart from their friends.
Bless those who are new in our schools – students and teachers alike – trying to find the right classroom, the right locker, the right books, and the right attitude.
Bless those extroverts among us who long to sing and talk and have for so long been stuck indoors.
And bless those introverts who wish they were still inside.
Bless us all with compassion, that we may root for the underdog, celebrate those who accomplish much, and pray fervently for each other.
Bless us with an environment free from bullying, needless competition, and petty jealousy.
Help us, Lord, to fall in love with learning, be it online, in person, or a little bit of both.
And we beg you, Lord, to bring these children and teachers safely home at the end of the day, the week, or the semester. Keep them free from violence and viruses – at home and at school – on the bus and on the streets – and guide them home to the waiting arms of those who loved them first.
Finally, Lord, we beg for an end to the pandemic that has cost so many so much.
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord: teacher, servant, and source of all hope.
Cover image by Maraniass from Pixabay