Monday Message, April 4, 2022
People of Hope registration is open. Use this flyer to spread the word. Check out this flyer for a complete list of speakers.
A few tickets remain for the premiere of Fr. Stu.
On Tuesday, we have our next parish check in. We will show you the language and potential registration form that has been approved for parish use.
This Update went out to all pastors last week. Please check it out.
We have a Gender Identity workshop on Wednesday, April 6th at St. Catherine of Siena. If you plan to attend, please email Carmela.
Friday’s psalm response was Psalm 34 – “The Lord is near to the broken hearted.” Among us, hearts are broken. Your prayers are asked for the sister-in-law of Deacon John DiTaranto, who died suddenly over the weekend. Please pray for John and his family.
Please also pray for the family of Gene Coyne, husband of Kathy Coyne (St. Jerome in Norwalk). May the soul of Gene be welcomed into paradise and may the souls of all our faithful departed rest in peace. Eternal rest grant unto Gene, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
Our friends, Eileen Towne and Christine Green, buried a young man and close family friend last week. The parish of St. Luke buried their pastor, Msgr. Varga, the week before. Several of our priests have buried their parents since Lent began.
Please keep all those who suffer loss in your prayers as we approach the hope that the Resurrection brings for each of us.