Monday Message, June 10, 2024

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Tomorrow is our  last Parish Leader Check In before summer break. Our topic is catechist formation. How much is enough? How much is too much? How do we include what is done at the parish? Should we think thematically (mental health, young people today, classroom prep, etc.)? So much to talk about. Bring your ideas and join us tomorrow.

Our good friend, Fr. Alexis asked us to spread the word about the upcoming festival at St. Peter in Bridgeport. See the flyers here (English) and here (Spanish).

If you are looking to further your own education this summer, look no further than the Encounter School of Ministry. Check out this flyer about their summer intensive course.

Literacy Volunteers of Bridgeport have seen their roster of those willing to help nearly disappear since Covid. Can you or someone you know lend a hand? See this flyer for more information.


We are blessed with some great readings this week. In addition, we will celebrated my mother’s favorite saint – St. Anthony – later this week.

I remember when we were kids and anything was lost – car keys usually since it was hard to lost a giant phone attached to the wall – mom would begin her prayer… “Dear St. Anthony, please come around. Something’s lost and can’t be found.” She would repeat the prayer again and again and, eventually, that which was lost was found.

I still use that prayer and I know so many of you do as well. As the children get older and the problems seem bigger, I find myself using the prayer for inanimate objects as well: mental health, a calming spirit, a good attitude, kindness – all those things that can get lost while we are not paying attention. I pray, too, for lost people – those I love but whom I must move out of my life for my own sanity. I pray for lost friends with whom I have lost contact because I think social media is a colossal waste of time. I pray for those with whom I work, those alongside me in the field of ministry, and those with whom I live and work and play.

We can all get lost, I suppose, overwhelmed by life and everything on our lists. It’s nice to pray for each other, hoping and longing for that which is misplaced to be recovered and made whole.

St. Anthony of Padua, pray for us.